Please read the following terms and conditions carefully prior to applying to an account with us and agreeing to these terms
1.Definition of Use and General
i. ‘Customer’ refers to the company or person that has requested the hire of equipment from SB Waste Management Ltd.
ii. ‘Equipment’ refers to skips that have been hired / purchased through SB Waste Management Ltd.
iii. ‘Site’ refers to where the equipment is to be deposited at the request of the customer.
iv. The parties to this contract are the “Hirer” and SB Waste Management Ltd, Roseway, Chapel Road, Blackpool, Lancs. FY4 5HU
2. Equipment Use
Customers warrant with respect to each skip ordered to be placed other than on private property:
i. That the permission of the Highway Authority has been duly obtained under Section 139 Highways Act 1980 (Skip permit obtained)
ii. That the said permission will be kept in force by the extension or renewal as necessary until either the skip is removed or until the expiry of three working days after notice is given for us to remove the container.
iii. That they will ensure the observation and performance at all times of all the conditions subject to which the aforesaid permission is granted and in particular will ensure that the skip is properly lighted throughout the Hours of darkness
iv. That they will not remove the skip from the place where it is deposited without first obtaining the oral or written permission of SB Waste Management Ltd.
v. That they will ensure that at the time of collection there is a clear space at one end of the skip of not less than thirty feet to enable the vehicle necessary access to effect the collection and removal.
vi. Unless specifically otherwise agreed in writing customers shall themselves provide three marker cones by day and three cones plus six yellow lights on the skip during the hours of darkness as required by the Highways Act 1980 if the same is placed on the Public Highway (including grass verges and footpaths or pavements) or anywhere else where damage to property or injury to third parties is reasonably foreseeable.
vii. The customer warrants:
a. That the waste material to be placed in the containers falls within the meaning of “prescribed cases” under Section 3 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 (hereinafter ‘referred to as the “1974 Act”) and
Regulation 4 of the Control of Pollution (Licensing of Waste Disposal)
Regulation 1976 (hereinafter referred to as “the 1976 regulations”) and any subsequent Regulations issued by the Secretary of State for the Environment under the 1974 Act which are in force on the date of the removal of each loaded container; or
b. that the requisite license has been issued under Section 5 of the 1974 Act; AND
c. That the waste material to be removed or disposed of in the container does not come within the definition of “Special Waste” contained in the Control of Pollution (Special Waste) regulations 1980 (for excluded material refer to section 4.i).
d. all activities undertaken by the Customer which may be subject to regulation under the Duty of Care (Section 34) of The Environmental Protection Act (1990) are fully compliant with the legislation and do not detrimentally affect the compliance of SB Waste Management Ltd with the said legislation.
viii. Customers shall reimburse SB Waste management Ltd in respect of any loss or damage to the skips whilst on hire to them from whatsoever cause the same may arise (fair wear and tear excepted). The customer shall also fully indemnify SB Waste Management Ltd in respect of any claim for injuries to persons or property arising out of the use of the skips whilst on hire to them howsoever the same may be caused or arise, and in particular customers undertake:
a. NOT TO LIGHT FIRES in the skip or to burn anything therein
b. Not to place any corrosive acid or noxious substance nor liquid cement or concrete in the skip.
c. To ensure that the skip is not filled above the level of the sides thereof.
d. To pay all the extra expense and costs including possibly a new container which may result from non-observance of the above.
x. One working day’s notice is required to terminate the hiring of the Customers undertake to fill the skip within the period of the license granted under the Highways Act and to give SB Waste Management Ltd such notice of its readiness for collection.
xi. In event of the Highway authority or the Police exercising their powers to, or to cause us to, light, move or remove the skip during the period of hire the customer is responsible for all costs thereby incurred
xii. The price charged is for seven days hire of the skip and subsequent waste removal and disposal. Should the hire period exceed seven days we reserve the right to charge an additional fee of £10 per day and/or remove the skip without prior notice.
3. Consequential Loss
i. SB Waste Management Ltd shall not be liable for any consequential losses, expenses, liabilities, claims or proceedings howsoever caused by, or arising out of, the late delivery, non-delivery, or unsuitability of the equipment.
ii. The customer shall be responsible for ensuring sufficient access to the site.
4. Restricted Materials
i. Fridges/Freezers, Paint Cans, Asbestos, Clinical/Medical Waste, Florescent Tubes, Solvents, Liquids, Oil, Tyres, Felt Roofing, Food, Hazardous/Toxic Material, Gas Cylinders
ii. Surcharges will apply where these items have been deposited without the permission of SB Waste Management Ltd.
5. Payment
The account will be chargeable to the customer weekly or monthly depending on turnover and the credit limit set. The invoice for the account will be sent via E-mail, unless otherwise specified by the customer.
Payment must be made within 14 days of the invoice being sent to the customer, or it will be the right of SB Waste Management Ltd to place the account on hold until the outstanding balance is made.
Should payment not be received within the 14 days we reserve the right to add a late payment fee of £40 plus interest at 8% above the base rate as specified in the “late payment of commercial debts (interest) act 1998”
We reserve the right to withdraw this agreement, if the said party does not comply to the above terms and condition, laid out in this contract.